Species Name:  Sorgastrum nutans

Common Name: Indian Grass

Zone: 4 to 8

Light: Full Sun

Soil Moisture: Dry to Medium to Moist

Soil Types: Sand, Loam, Clay

Fertility: Poor to Medium to Rich

pH: 5 to 8.0

Bloom Time: August to October

Habit: A native warm season bunch grass. Along with Little bluestem and Big bluestem it is one of three workhorse grass species of a native meadow or prairie planting. It grows 3 to 5 ft tall and will grow in any well drained soil from dry sand to heavy clay. The tall golden seed heads and amber fall color lend a special beauty to the fall meadow.  Indian grasses upright growth habit provides valuable nesting sites for grassland birds and necessary summer and overwintering cover. Its abundant seed is an important food source for many birds and rodents.  Fairly easy to grow from seed but it will take 2 to 3 years to mature and set seed. Once establish in suitable habitat it will disperse and naturalize into surrounding areas.

Indian grass
Indian grass seed head


Indian grass

Indian grass